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timing.vim : stopwatch timing of execution time of vim commands and command sequences

 script karma  Rating 1/1, Downloaded by 1104  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Yakov Lerner
script type
This script provides the TIM command which measures execution time vim takes to execute given commands up to microsecond resolution (actual resolution depends on OS).


   TIM 2000 let x=0  " How much time is takes to do 'x=0' 20000 times ?

If first argument after TIM is a number, it is treated as repetiion count.
If first argument is not a number, the command is executed once.

Multiple commands, separated by bars(|) can be used under TIM command:

     TIM 100 e xxx | bd  "How much time it takes
                                  " to open and close the buffer 100 times

install details
Copy file timing.vim into your .vim/plugin directory.
Or simply source timing.vim: :so timing.vim

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
timing.vim 1.0 2006-04-28 7.0 Yakov Lerner Initial upload
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