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VimVS6 : Compile Visual Studio 6 projects and search in MSDN help files using VIM

 script karma  Rating 26/14, Downloaded by 1684  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Christian Habermann
script type
This script provides a way to compile and link MS Visual Studio 6 C++      
projects, jump to compiler errors, start .exe file and look up in MSDN  
help files from within VIM.                                              
There are other projects that try to integrate VIM in Visual Studio.    
VimVS6 does it the other way around and tries to integrate Visual Studio
in VIM ;-)   (don't take this too seriously)                            
Visual Studio can export a make file for nmake (see menu                
Project -> Export Makefile... in Visual Studio). Nmake is included in    
Visual Studio 6. VimVS6 compiles a Visual Studio 6 project using nmake  
and the exported makefile.                                              
  <F5>:    make project                                                  
  <S-F5>:  make all                                                      
  <C-F5>:  start .exe file                                              
  <F2>:    search for help in MSDN files for word under cursor          
  Once per VIM session the function VVS_SetEnvironment() must be called  
  to specify paths VimVS6 looks for the project files.                  
  Do   :call VVS_SetEnvironment( 'projectpath', 'projectname' )          
  E.g. :call VVS_SetEnvironment( 'f:\prog\GALer', 'GALer' )              
  This call is not needed if only MSDN help search is used.

For details on configuration see script header.
install details
Copy this script into the plugin directory. To search in MSDN help
files the free program keyHH.exe from http://www.keyworks.net is needed.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
VimVS6.vim 1.0.1 2007-10-26 6.0 Christian Habermann fixed some typos in the description of the script
VimVS6.vim 1.0.0 2006-04-11 6.0 Christian Habermann Initial upload
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