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Modeliner : Generates modeline according to the current settings.

 script karma  Rating 18/12, Downloaded by 3036  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Shuhei Kubota
script type
[How to use it?]

execute ':Modeliner'.

[And, what will happen?]

If your current settings are like below:
  - setl fenc=utf-8
  - setl et
  - setl sts=4

then you will get a modeline like:
  - for 'c' filetype:
      /* vim: set fenc=utf-8 et sts=4 : */
  - for 'xml' filetype:
      <!-- vim: set fenc=utf-8 et sts=4 : -->

[How to include my favorite options?]

Modify  g:Modeliner_format.  It is a simple format.

An example:
    let g:Modeliner_format = 'fenc=  tw=  et  ts=  sts=  sw=  backup wrap'
install details
Put this plugin in your plugin directory(e.g. $VIMRUNTIME/plugin).
Then restart Vim or :source it.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
modeliner9.vim 0.5.1v9 2022-02-14 8.2 Shuhei Kubota remove s:
modeliner9.vim 0.5.0v9 2021-12-17 7.0 Shuhei Kubota vim9script: work under empty &commentstring
modeliner.vim 0.5.0 2021-12-17 7.0 Shuhei Kubota work under empty &commentstring
modeliner9.vim 0.4.0 2021-12-09 7.0 Shuhei Kubota vim9script
modeliner.vim 0.3.0 2008-06-26 7.0 Shuhei Kubota If you use The NERD Commenter, this script uses it to generate a modeline as a comment.
modeliner.vim 0.2.0 2007-10-03 6.0 Shuhei Kubota finds the existing modeline and overwrite it
modeliner.vim 0.1.0 2006-02-22 6.0 Shuhei Kubota Initial upload
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