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moria : A color scheme for GUI supposed to be highly readable

 script karma  Rating 625/265, Downloaded by 22796  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Georg Dahn
script type
color scheme
This color scheme contains four color schemes: two dark and two light color schemes. All highlighting groups have similar brightness. In the dark schemes bold highlighting is avoided, but used where it is reasonable. Different highlighting groups can be distinguished easily without a cluttered appearance. The highlights of all four color schemes have similar colors, but differ in contrast.

This color scheme is for the GUI version of Vim and makes only some minor tweaks for the console version.

This color scheme is optimized for Vim 7.0, but works for Vim 6.0, too.
install details
Just put it in "~/.vim/colors" or in "<your vim directory>\vimfiles\colors" on Windows. Do ":colo moria" to apply it. If you want to install it as your default color scheme, just add "colo moria" to your vimrc file.

The color scheme choses the color scheme 'dark' if 'background' is set to dark and 'light' if 'background' is set to light. One can override this by setting the variable 'moria_style'. Its possible values are 'black', 'dark', 'light', and 'white'. The 'dark' scheme has #202020 as its background, the 'light' scheme #f0f0f0, the 'black' ('white') scheme has a black (white) background. If you want to use the 'white' scheme, just do

let moria_style = 'white'
colo moria

in your vimrc file. Alternatively, you can set the option 'background' instead of 'moria_style' to 'dark' or 'light' and the color scheme applies either the 'dark' scheme or the 'light' one.

In gVim you can do 'Colo black', 'Colo dark', 'Colo light', and 'Colo white' to swith to the color scheme you want. In Vim (console version) these commands just swith between a dark and a light scheme.

The default colors of StatusLine, Pmenu, LineNr, ... is blue. If you like monochrome colors for these highlighting groups, there is the option 'moria_monochrome'. If the default colors do not fit to the color scheme of your desktop environment, monochrome colors will probably match better. Someone may find monochrome colors of these highlighting groups more pleasant to the eyes, too. To aktivate this option just add

let moria_monochrome = 1

to your vimrc file (before 'colo moria', of course).

In the dark schemes ('black' and 'dark') bold highlights are avoided. However, some people like the highlights 'Statement', 'Type' and some other highlights to be bold. If you belong to these people, just add

let moria_fontface = 'mixed'

to your vimrc file.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
moria.vim 2.6.5 2013-09-11 7.0 Georg Dahn added CursorLineNr.
moria.vim 2.6.4 2010-08-18 7.0 Georg Dahn Changed names of colors to numbers for ctermbg and ctermfg, because names did not work on my Mac. Highlight information for ColorColumn.
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