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cecscope : command and menu driven cscope interface

 script karma  Rating 26/12, Downloaded by 4581  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Charles Campbell
script type
    (requires vim7.0aa snapshot #188 or later)
DrChip's cscope interface supports commands:

    CS     [cdefgist]   : cscope
    CSl[!] [cdefgist]   : locallist style (! restores efm)
    CSs[!] [cdefgist]   : split window and use cscope

    !            split vertically
    c (calls)    find functions calling function under cursor
    d (called)   find functions called by function under cursor
    e (egrep)    egrep search for the word under cursor
    f (file)     open the file named under cursor
    g (global)   find global definition(s) of word under cursor
    i (includes) find files that #include file named under cursor
    s (symbol)   find all references to the word under cursor
    t (text)     find all instances of the word under cursor

and menus which allow you to do all the above.  Includes help
and a tutorial.

(alpha/beta version available at http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#CECSCOPE)
install details
vim cecscope.vba.gz
:so %

(your system needs to have gunzip on it to decompress the vimball)
(for Windows, see  :help vimball-windows  on where one might obtain gunzip for Windows)

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
cecscope.vba.gz 4 2008-11-12 7.0 Charles Campbell Security enhanced with fnameescape(), so cecscope now needs vim 7.2.
Help menu fixed.
cecscope.vba.gz 3 2008-01-08 7.0 Charles Campbell :CS now supports cscope.out database searching; if the current directory or a parent directory up to but not including the $HOME directory has a cscope.out database, it'll be used.  This provides better support to projects with their multiple subdirectories.
cecscope.vim.gz 2 2006-02-13 6.0 Charles Campbell :CSR included (cscope reset)
Changed commands to :CSH, :CSS, :CSS!, :CSL to make it easier to type
cecscope.vim.gz 1 2006-01-30 6.0 Charles Campbell Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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