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increment.vim : quickly create incremented lists

 script karma  Rating 112/47, Downloaded by 3039  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
stanislav sitar
script type
Sometimes you want to search for a string in the text
and add an auto incremented number to each occurence of the string.
Let's say, you want to make a numbered list.
You write something like:
qwerty: The first line
qwerty: the second one
qwerty: and so on ...
Then you type a command
:let I=0
followed by a replace command
The first 'qwerty' is replaced by number 1,
the second by number 2, and so on... .
Sometimes you might want to generate numbers with a leadimg zeroes.
You simply initialize global variable I to value like
:let I=99890000
then you make the replacement
followed by

You have to initialize a global variable I
before the first use of INC() function,
othervise the numbering will continue where it stopped
during the last replace.

Text Pad has a very similar metacharacter for replacement - \i.
install details
Put increment.vim into a plugin directory.
Use in replacement strings

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
increment.vim 0.1 2001-11-15 6.0 stanislav sitar Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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