bibFindIndex : Jump to an index in an alphabetically ordered file
script karma |
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Downloaded by 1243 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Tom Link |
script type |
ftplugin |
description |
This is a small ftplugin that helps jumping to a key in a bibtex file.
It assumes a bibtex file that is alphabethically ordered by the bibitem
key. Maybe some people will find this useful.
Type <LocalLeader>g and a bibtex-key you want to find.
Type <LocalLeader>n to jump to the next key in line.
Example use:
If the keys in the file were:
then '<LL>gab<cr>' would take you to "ab" but '<LL>nab<cr>' to "ac".
Actually BibGotoNextIndex is the main reason for why I wrote this one.
If g:bibFindIndexAllowSpaces is true, the "entry head" may include whitespace.
(I'm not sure if this is legal bibtex, though.)
install details |
Copy the file to ~/.vim/ftplugin/bib/
Also available via git
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
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