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larlet.vim : Type large letters in Insert mode

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created by
Andy Wokula
script type
Larlet.vim provides an enhanced Insert mode: It allows you to type larger symbols, i.e. symbols composed of several characters.  This is rather fun than a utility.

If you're looking for a real utility, you might better use Unix' banner or surf to http://www.figlet.org/

To toggle Larlet mode press F8 in Insert mode or Normal mode.  This maps one key per symbol.  Currently, the following keys are mapped:


Case is not distinguished, only lower letter keys get mapped.  The upper keys are free to map special symbols (e.g. E - euro symbol, L - lambda).  The mappings are per buffer, thus there should be no inference with the rest of the session (except the globally set 'listchars' option reminds you to not use hard tabs).

v0.04: An alternative key for toggling can be mapped this way:
    :nmap <buffer> <F8> <plug>Larlet_ToggleKeymap
    :imap <buffer> <F8> <c-o><plug>Larlet_ToggleKeymap

Editing possibilities are - of course - limited. Symbols will always be appended at the end of a d-line [1].  i_Space adds d-spaces, i_Enter creates d-newlines.  i_Backspace deletes symbols from the end of a d-line, by looking for a d-space backwards.

Symbol size is fixed to 2 lines x 5 columns.  Symbols are arranged tightly in the text, thus "type-setting" is not monospace.

(v0.10 only) A menu "Larlet" will be installed for setting some options. [2]
(v0.04) Letter and word spacing can be changed with :SpaceSet

(v0.10 only)
'fileformat' of the script is dos, if you're on unix you have to convert it.  Ok, this script is not written in a very clean manner, make sure to use it in an extra vim session.

.  /  /|  /¯) /  /¯¯ -/-  | / / /|/)
. /_ /¯| /¯\ /_ /_¯  /  o |/ / /  /
(this looks like crap, you'll need a monospace font for viewing)

[1] As symbols need two buffer lines of text, some above terms get a "d" prepended for "double"
[2] Note: v0.10 is a typo, it should be v0.01
install details
Set encoding to latin1 (already the default for many people):
    :set enc=latin1
Other encodings may also work, but they cannot be multi-byte and probably require the +iconv feature for conversion (because larlet uses some chars above 127).

    :source larlet.vim
for current buffer

2007 Nov 26

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
larlet.vim 0.04 2007-08-21 6.0 Andy Wokula made script less intrusive, minor new features, dropped menu, ff=unix, nicer symbols (and umlauts removed)
larlet.vim 0.10 2005-09-18 6.0 Andy Wokula Initial upload
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