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spellcheck.vim : spell checker  for vim

 script karma  Rating 51/29, Downloaded by 5400  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
matthias veit
script type
This script enables spell checking capabilities known from text

*SpellCheck: highlights all misspelled words
*Propose: checks word under cursor - giving proposals for correcting
*AddToDictionary: adds word under cursor to dictionary
*SpchkNxt: jumps to next error
*SpchkPrv: jumps to previous error
*SetLanguageTag: which language to use (uk_UK | de_DE ...)
*SpellAutoEnable: enables automatic higlighting of misspelled words
  (this is done via CursorHold)
*SpellAutoDisable: disables automatic check

-syntax highlighting does not work correctly in every syntax-mode
solution: set syntax=off and then do the spellcheck
-to add a word to the list of known words, the skript has to know
which private dictionary aspell is using (something like
$HOME/.aspell.xxx.pws where xxx depends on the language tag)
the current relation is:
   uk_UK|us_US -> english (.aspell.english.pws)
   de_DE -> de (.aspell.de.pws)
to add entries or change existing ones, there is a little adjustment table.
install details
*you need aspell (plus dictionary ofcourse)
*you need a ruby interpreter enabled
*$LANG should be defined (echo $LANG on CLI prompt)

Simply move the skript to your plugin directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
spell.zip 2.1 2002-07-03 6.0 matthias veit After a replacement of a misspelled word jump to the next error (tend to be usefule while in correction mode).
spell.zip 2.0 2002-07-02 6.0 matthias veit replacement of misspelled words via proposals (thanks to Patrick Sundberg),
the language to check can be selected via SetLanguageTag (which takes the
common language tags like uk_UK, de_DE etc) - default is taken from $LANG
spellcheck.vim 1.0 2001-11-01 6.0 matthias veit Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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