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luarefvim : Lua reference manual

 script karma  Rating 88/37, Downloaded by 3765  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Luis Carvalho
script type
This a Vim help file containing references for Lua 5.0 and 5.1, and it is -- with a few exceptions and adaptations -- a copy of the Lua 5.0 and Lua 5.1 reference manuals. Lua is a lightweight script language; see http://www.lua.org .

Similarly to CRefVim (from where a lot of ideas were drawn), you can easily search for references for words under the cursor, visually selected words, and manual contents.
install details
This reference consists of three files: the manual itself, lua50refvim.txt for Lua version 5.0 and lua51refvim.txt for Lua version 5.1, a plugin file, luarefvim.vim, to load key bindings, and a help file syntax extension, help.vim. To install luarefvim, copy the manual for the version you want, the plugin and the help files to their respective locations: lua5Xrefvim.txt to $VIMUSERHOME/doc, luarefvim.vim to $VIMUSERHOME/plugin, and help.vim to $VIMUSERHOME/after/syntax, where $VIMUSERHOME is $HOME/.vim on Un*x systems or $HOME/vimfiles on Win32.

Finally, to generate the tags, change dir to $VIMUSERHOME/doc, start Vim, and issue ':helptags .' . For more information on installing help files, call ':help add-local-help'.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
luarefvim.zip 0.2 2006-11-25 6.0 Luis Carvalho Added reference manual for Lua version 5.1.
luarefvim.zip 0.1 2005-05-26 6.0 Luis Carvalho Initial upload
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