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tagselect : Provides a better :tselect command.

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created by
Hari Krishna Dara
script type
If you don't like the more prompt that comes up when there are too many
hits to the :tselect and the related commands, then try this plugin.
Useful even with finding help topics in a help window (see :help {subject}
and see the tip on the usage below).
  Use :Tselect command instead of :tselect to bring up the :tselect output
  in a vim window. You can then search and press enter on the line(s) of
  the tag which you would like to select. If you don't want to select any
  tag you can quit by pressing "q". You can also start typing the number
  of the tag instead of moving the cursor to the line and pressing enter.
  To select another tag index for the same tag, you can use :Tselect
  without arguments or just use :tselect itself.
  You can also use :Stselect, :Tjump and :Stjump commands to execute
  :stselect, :tjump and :stjump commands respectively.
  The normal mode commands, "g]" and "g^]" (g] and g_CTRL-]) and their
  corresponding visual mode commands (v_g] and v_g_CTRL-]) and window
  split commands (CTRL-W_g] and CTRL-W_g-CTRL-]) will be remapped to use
  the plugin. To disable these maps, set g:no_tagselect_maps in your
  You can also use :Tags command to show the output of :tags command in
  a vim window. You can then search and press enter on the line of the tag
  which you would like to jump to. The plugin executes the appropriate
  command (:tag or :pop) with the right index.
  Use g:tagselectWinSize to set the preferred size of the window. The
  default is -1, which is to take just as much as required (up to the
  maximum), but you can set it to empty string to make the window as high
  as possible, or any +ve number to limit its size.
  Use g:tagselectExpandCurWord to configure if <cword> and <cWORD> tokens
  will be expanded or not.
  - You can intermix the usage of the plugin commands with that of
    built-in commands (ie., :tn, :tp followed by a :Tselect)
  - You can use :Ts instead of the full :Tselect, as long as there are no
    other commands which could confuse the usage. The same applies to
    :Tjump (:Tj) and other commands.
  - The [Tag Select] buffer is set to to "tagselect" filetype, so this
    allows you to customize the look & feel (colors, maps etc.) by
    creating syntax/tagselect.vim and ftplugin/tagselect.vim files in your
  - In a help window, you can use the :Tselect /<pattern> command to do
    very powerful and handy lookup of the help topics. Using this
    technique to find the help topic you want is fun and easy and you are
    sure to bump into features that you are not aware of (both in Vim and
    in plugins that you installed). E.g., to find all the topics that have
    "shell" in its name,
        :Tselect /shell
  - Executes tag commands (:tselect :stselect) twice, once to show the
    list, and once to jump to the selected tag. This means, if the tag
    search takes considerable time, then the time could potentially be
    doubled (which is usually not a problem because Vim seems to cache the
    last tag results). This could probably be fixed in Vim7 using the new
    tag functions.

Search_key_words: tag tags tagselect tselect stselect tjump stjump visual explorer hari krishna dara
install details
Copy the file into your plugin directory. Requires Vim 6.3

The plugin depends on the genutils (vimscript #197) plugin, which itself has a dependency on the multvals (vimscript #171), so make sure you install these two as well.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
tagselect.vim 1.2 2005-06-11 6.0 Hari Krishna Dara New commands: Stselect, Tjump and Stjump on the lines of stselect,
tjump and stjump respectively. Their corresponding normal and visual
commands are also mapped.
tagselect.vim 1.1 2005-06-02 6.0 Hari Krishna Dara - New :Tags command for built-in :tags command.
- Fixed a couple of major bugs:
  - entering the tag index directly is broken.
  - bug in selecting tag indexes > 99
- Minor improvements.
tagselect.vim 1.0 2005-05-12 6.0 Hari Krishna Dara Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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