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[obsolete]ToggleOnly.vim : Simple enhancement of ^W ^O

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created by
Eric Arnold
script type
[I expanded all the tabs to spaces, and it's still all messed up :( ]

"                                ToggleOnly.vim:                          
"                A reworking of the ^W^O "Only window" idea of maximizing
"                the current window, but also maximize the new one as you
"                switch windows.  (Actually, it's evolved to have nothing
"                in common with   :only   anymore, but I liked the ^W^O,
"                and <C-W><C-_> had no catchy name.)
" Version:       1.1
" Author:        Eric Arnold ( eric_p_arnold in_the_vicinity_of yahoo.com )
" Description:   Remaps ^W^O   ^W^W   ^W^K   and a few related keys to
"                fully expand the current window without closing any.
"                Emphasis is on simplicity, key ergonomics and usability.
"                I wanted something I would actually use all the time.
"                Your [personal preference] milage may vary.  I used the
"                ^W keys to move through windows before, so tried to
"                integrate smoothly with them.  Small bumps in the
"                original are smoothed out, i.e. ^W^J and ^W^K wrap
"                around.
" <C-W><C-O>     Toggle the Only Window Mode ON/OFF.  
"                <C-W><C-O>   <C-W><C-_>   <C-W>o   are synonymous.
"                <C-W>O toggles auto-expand.
"                The rest of the keys are only mapped when Only Window Mode ON.
" Mouse          Window will resize when the mouse cursor enters it or
"                its [clicked]statusbar.  See config section.
" <C-W><C-K>     Up one window, resize to full, wrap around at top.
" <C-W><C-W>     Next/Down one window, ditto.  
"                <C-W><C-J> is synonymous.
" <C-W>w or j    Next window, and resize to 1/2 total &lines, giving the
"                previous window the other half, wrap around at bottom.
"                These provide a way to move around with a little more
"                visibility without leaving Only Window Mode.
" <C-W>k         Previous window, ditto.
"        Note:  if  "g:ToggleOnlyAutoExpand"  is set (true by default),
"        windows will be expanded when *anything* moves the cursor into
"        them.
"    Configuration Notes:    
"        Whether you need to click on the statusbar depends on how you
"        have "&mousefocus" set.  You can tone down the aggressive
"        behavior of the auto-expand by turning "&mousefocus" off,
"        without disabliing auto-expand altogether.
"        "timeout" and "ttimeout" are turned off since it's extra
"        annoying when it times out to the default ^W^O, which closes all
"        other windows.  You may want to reset these if you have
"        mappings like   ,s  and   ,st    which depend on a timeout
"        for  ,s   to be accepted, or some other key, i.e.  ,s<ESC>  
"        works without timeouts.
"        "g:ToggleOnlyTimeouts"  is "exe"'d, so get your syntax
"        right.  If want timeouts, try something like this in your
"        ".vimrc":
"    let g:ToggleOnlyTimeouts = 'set timeout ttimeout timeoutlen=2000 ttimeoutlen=2000'
"        An autocommand is set for "BufEnter" to resize any window,
"        which allows you to mouse into a window and have it resize.
"        This is controled by:
"    let g:ToggleOnlyAutoExpand = 1
"        To save space when the windows are minimized, "&winminheight" is
"        set to zero.  This is changed with:
"    let g:ToggleOnlywinminheight = 0
"    Updated:        Wed Jun 08, 6/8/2005 5:14:07 PM
"          General overall refinement.
"     -    Now uses ^K and k, ^W and w, which is better than O and o.
"     -    All keys wrap around at top/bottom, not just ^W.
"     -    Added a BufEnter autocommand so mouse will trigger resize
"     -    Keymaps are more correct (nnoremap instead of map), and are
"          only mapped when ^W^O toggles them on.
"     -    Set &winminheight to 0 to save space around statusbars.
"     -    Added a few config options.  Keymap timeout issue addressed, and
"          config option added.
"     -    Added a two window auto expand option

install details
Put into plugin directory.

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
ToggleOnly.vim 1.1 2005-06-08 6.0 Eric Arnold " Updated: Wed Jun 08, 6/8/2005 5:14:07 PM
" General overall refinement.
" - Now uses ^K and k, ^W and w, which is better than O and o.
" - All keys wrap around at top/bottom, not just ^W.
" - Added a BufEnter autocommand so mouse will trigger resize
" - Keymaps are more correct (nnoremap instead of map), and are
" only mapped when ^W^O toggles them on.
" - Set &winminheight to 0 to save space around statusbars.
" - Added a few config options.  Keymap timeout issue addressed, and
" config option added.
" - Added a two window auto expand option
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