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drc_indent : DrC's indent scripts (currently: sh LaTeX vim maple)

 script karma  Rating 16/4, Downloaded by 1797  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Charles Campbell
script type
DrChip's indent files; some are modified from the distribution (such as the ones for sh, vim) and some are new (maple, tex). They're what I use.  Indenting is one of those "Irrationality Reigns" topics; everyone seems to have a lock on the Right Way to do it.  So, my Right Way may not be yours (sorry!).
install details
1. ***IMPORTANT*** Copy any current .vim/indent/*.vim  (or ...vimfiles\indent\*.vim) files to a safe location
2. Place drc_indent.tar.gz in your $HOME/.vim or ..wherever..\vimfiles directory
3. gunzip drc_indent.tar.gz
4. tar -oxvf drc_indent.tar
5. Have  "filetype plugin indent on" in your <.vimrc>
6. If you don't like the new indenting, just remove/delete the associated indent file, or copy the old one(s) back.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
drc_indent.tar.gz 1 2005-05-03 6.0 Charles Campbell Initial upload
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