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teol.vim : :TEOL <string> and :TSOL <string>; toggles string at end/start of line(s)

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created by
Robert KellyIV
script type
This is a vim remake of an old macro I had for Multi-Edit, handy it was though
not so necessary with VIM, given A and :s but this will not mess up your cursor
position, works on a range, etc. It has some use.

There are default/example mappings for both visual and normal modes:

For end of line toggling:

<leader>;    toggles ";" at end of line.
<leader>,    toggles "," at end of line.
<leader>:    toggles ":" at end of line.

For start of line: (start of line for this is first non white space char, like
^ as opposed to 0 )

<leader>s,    toggles ", " at start of line.
<leader>s:    toggles ": " at start of line.

NOTE that you can toggle strings not just chars; I.e. ":TSOL --", ":TEOL --"
and so on.
install details
Just drop in plugins folder, nothing more nothing less.
Optional: Edit file as desired for mappings; mappings could be placed elsewhere if wanted as they are in the style of: “nnoremap    <leader>;    :TEOL;<cr>”

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
teol.vim 0.2- 2005-04-28 6.0 Robert KellyIV Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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