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header.vim : Adds a header -author, path, timestamp- when a new file is created.

 script karma  Rating 33/22, Downloaded by 3312  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Francisco Piedrafita
script type
When a new file is created the plugin inserts automatically a customizable header on the top -filetype, author, timestamp-. When the file it's no new -so it's already created- the plugin checks the 'last modified' field in line number five -if this exists- and then it updates its value. It's my first vim plugin and it's very plain -I beg pardon to vim's gurus for my daring!- I didn't find anything alike, so I had to write my own script. Any correction or modification will be welcome.
install details
Easy! Copy the file to vim's plugin directory (global or personal) and run vim.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
header.vim 0.2.0 2013-10-31 7.0 Francisco Piedrafita <Juno Devel> has improved the script. Instead of relying on matching the filetype with system calls, he founded that letting vim determining the filetype itself was easier and more robust).
header.vim 0.1.3 2008-05-01 7.0 Francisco Piedrafita Some little bugs fixed
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