MapleSyrup : indenting, autoalign, and matchit support for Maple V
script karma |
Rating 10/4,
Downloaded by 2269 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Charles Campbell |
script type |
ftplugin |
description |
This package contains support for writing Maple V code:
* indent/maple.vim: indenting support for Maple V
* ftplugin/AutoAlign.vim: auto-align support for :=
(needs Align.vim from vimscript#294; to learn more about AutoAlign, see vimscript#884)
* ftplugin/maple.vim: and matchit support (matchit.vim is available via vimscript#39).
* plugin/cecutil.vim:
* It contains tags for GetLatestVimScripts support which promote maintaining up-to-date copies (see vimscript#642).
The indenting support works with
if for while else elif od end fi
and indents the code appropriately as you type. Indents are taken using the current setting of the vim's shiftwidth option (see :he shiftwidth).
AutoAlignment keeps your := lined up in blocks, thereby promoting legibility.
The Matchit expression supports (see vimscript#39)
if elif else fi
for od
while od
proc RETURN end
I usually prefer to have (at least) two windows open; the top one with vim editing Maple V code ( and the bottom one running Maple V itself. I then work with Maple (using Windows) by changing the file as needed in Vim, putting the cursor at the end of the following statement, then pressing <cr>.
read `c:\\some\\path\\to\\Maple\\`;
That causes the worksheet to be updated according to the <> instructions. Of course, I can always maximize Maple when I need to so as to see more at one time.
Why "maplesyrup"? I just couldn't resist the name! :)
(alpha/beta version available at
install details |
1. Place maplesyrup.tar.gz in your .vim/ (Windows: vimfiles\) directory
2. gunzip maplesyrup.tar.gz
3. tar -oxvf maplesyrup.tar
4. Be sure that your <.vimrc> has the following lines to enable plugin and indent scripts
" Initialize: {{{1
set nocp
if version >= 600
filetype plugin indent on
5. For AutoAlign'ing := statements, you'll also need to get Align.vim (vimscript#294).
6. For matchit (extended % key use), you'll need to get matchit.vim (vimscript#39). |
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