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VUT : Vim Universal Templates

 script karma  Rating 10/4, Downloaded by 2682  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Mikolaj Machowski
script type
VUT - Vim Universal Templates are direct continuation
of VHT Script #988. Difference is you can define comment
strings and use editable or library tags in every type of
file (html, xhtml, css, javascript, cpp, tex, vim, etc.).

When migrating from VHT -
- change name of core file from *.htmlmain into *.vutmain
- default comment strings are /*, */, script package
  is providing configuration for popular types of files:
xhtml, html, tex, vim

- extensions of files are still the same (vhl, vht)

Old commands are saved for backwards compatibility but added new set of
commands beginning with VUT or VUL. Note - VH commands may be dropped in

Additional changes:
- VULupdate/VUTupdate can take name of library as an argument. Example:
:VULupdate panel.vhl
This will update contents of LibraryItem panel.vhl regardless of cursor
position. Superuseful in connection with :argdo family. Argument had be
a full path with .vhl extension.
- added: use ~/Library/ for global library items for VULshow.  
- fixed: VUTcommit.
install details
copy zip archive to you vimfiles/.vim directory. unzip it.
GLVS AutoInstall compatible.

Install help with :helptags ~/doc

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vut.zip 1.2 2004-09-03 6.0 Mikolaj Machowski - added: VUXinsert commands can take range (also visual)
- added: VULadd command - choose region and call function
with obligatory name argument, and immediately commit it.
vut.zip 1.1 2004-09-02 6.0 Mikolaj Machowski - added: library hints are given with proper relative paths to insert in
  BeginLibraryItem declaration
- added: libraries in global dir (~/Library) can be put in filetype
  directories and only them will be shown. Example for ~/projekt/some.js
  VULcheckout will show libraries (.vhl files) in:
  Note: hierarchy in ~/Library have to be in filetypes, not file
- added: command completion for VUXcheckout, VUXupdate (Vim 6.2
- added: GLVS line for AutoInstall in script
- added: shell scriptlet for comment strings
vut.zip 1.0 2004-09-01 6.0 Mikolaj Machowski Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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