feralstub.vim : Flexible stubs. (inspired by Dr.Chip's C-Stubs)
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Rating 1/1,
Downloaded by 1064 |
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created by |
Robert KellyIV |
script type |
utility |
description |
The idea of this plugin (collection) is to allow you to easily setup and manage ex commands that happen when you (in insert mode) type a keyword (of your choice) and pretty a special char(easily configurable). For instance:
fts is the keyword (Feral Time Stamp)
'`' is the special char that is used to invoke the main script.
This will result in:
I.e. results in replacing fts with the string '[Feral:176/04@06:50]'
You can add your own keywords via script functions and each keyword is dependant on a given file type.
So to define a global 'if' keyword you would do something like:
call FeralStub_AddNewExecute('', '\<i\%[f]\>', "norm! ciwif\<CR>endif\<ESC>kA \<ESC>")
An to define a 'if' keyword only for say .vim files:
call FeralStub_AddNewExecute('vim', '\<i\%[f]\>', "norm! ciwif\<CR>endif\<ESC>kA \<ESC>")
Or to define an 'if' keyword for the current file type:
call FeralStub_AddNewExecute(&ft, '\<i\%[f]\>', "norm! ciwif\<CR>endif\<ESC>kA \<ESC>")
See the documentation in feralstub.vim for more specifics.
In brief:
call FeralStub_AddNewExecute(<filetype>, <match_pattern>, <ex_command_to_execute_when_keyword_matches_match_pattern>)
call FeralStub_AddNewFunction(<filetype>, <match_pattern>, <Global_Function_To_call_when_keyword_mattches_match_pattern>)
The end result is an easy way to add a new entry into this stub system, and to easily allow such entries to be added from various locations such as plugin, ftplugin or a script that is sourced on a per project basis (via autocommands for instance).
The match_pattern is fed directly to match() so what you can match is very flexable
The ex_command_to_execute_when_keyword_matches_match_pattern is fed directly to :execute
The Global_Function_To_call_when_keyword_mattches_match_pattern is fed directly to :call
The only downside I can foresee with this is:
1. exit and restart vim to get a new pattern into the system.
2. the 'ex' pattern is a pain but generally just i_CTRL-R_CTRL-R a recorded macro and the hard part is done.
3. This makes extensive use of curly-braces-names and lots of vars.
You can easily change the default '`. special char to something else via two lines in your .vimrc (or the like)
Examples: (in .vimrc)
To Specify A Different Typable Char:
imap <unique> ~ <Plug>FeralStub_DO
let g:FeralStub_CharToInsertOnFailure = '~'
To Specify A Non Typable Char:
imap <unique> <F12> <Plug>FeralStub_DO
let g:FeralStub_CharToInsertOnFailure = '' |
install details |
To install unzip and place the files in their corresponding directories (each file lists where it should go and each file is in the directory it should go in)
However, './vim/ftplugin\vim\feralstubs_vim.vim' is an optional example |
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