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feralstub.vim : Flexible stubs. (inspired by Dr.Chip's C-Stubs)

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created by
Robert KellyIV
script type
The idea of this plugin (collection) is to allow you to easily setup and manage ex commands that happen when you (in insert mode) type a keyword (of your choice) and pretty a special char(easily configurable). For instance:
fts is the keyword (Feral Time Stamp)
'`' is the special char that is used to invoke the main script.

This will result in:
I.e. results in replacing fts with the string '[Feral:176/04@06:50]'

You can add your own keywords via script functions and each keyword is dependant on a given file type.

So to define a global 'if' keyword you would do something like:
call FeralStub_AddNewExecute('', '\<i\%[f]\>', "norm! ciwif\<CR>endif\<ESC>kA \<ESC>")

An to define a 'if' keyword only for say .vim files:
call FeralStub_AddNewExecute('vim', '\<i\%[f]\>', "norm! ciwif\<CR>endif\<ESC>kA \<ESC>")

Or to define an 'if' keyword for the current file type:
call FeralStub_AddNewExecute(&ft, '\<i\%[f]\>', "norm! ciwif\<CR>endif\<ESC>kA \<ESC>")

See the documentation in feralstub.vim for more specifics.

In brief:
call FeralStub_AddNewExecute(<filetype>, <match_pattern>, <ex_command_to_execute_when_keyword_matches_match_pattern>)
call FeralStub_AddNewFunction(<filetype>, <match_pattern>, <Global_Function_To_call_when_keyword_mattches_match_pattern>)

The end result is an easy way to add a new entry into this stub system, and to easily allow such entries to be added from various locations such as plugin, ftplugin or a script that is sourced on a per project basis (via autocommands for instance).

The match_pattern is fed directly to match() so what you can match is very flexable
The ex_command_to_execute_when_keyword_matches_match_pattern is fed directly to :execute
The Global_Function_To_call_when_keyword_mattches_match_pattern is fed directly to :call

The only downside I can foresee with this is:
1. exit and restart vim to get a new pattern into the system.
2. the 'ex' pattern is a pain but generally just i_CTRL-R_CTRL-R a recorded macro and the hard part is done.
3. This makes extensive use of curly-braces-names and lots of vars.

You can easily change the default '`. special char to something else via two lines in your .vimrc (or the like)
Examples: (in .vimrc)
To Specify A Different Typable Char:
imap <unique> ~ <Plug>FeralStub_DO
let g:FeralStub_CharToInsertOnFailure = '~'

To Specify A Non Typable Char:
imap <unique> <F12> <Plug>FeralStub_DO
let g:FeralStub_CharToInsertOnFailure = ''
install details
To install unzip and place the files in their corresponding directories (each file lists where it should go and each file is in the directory it should go in)


However, './vim/ftplugin\vim\feralstubs_vim.vim' is an optional example

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
feralstub.zip 0.1 2004-06-24 6.0 Robert KellyIV Initial upload
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